Posted by bez from on August 31, 1998 at 03:06:17:
In Reply to: Re: NO WAY TOO OLD (all Indyfans PLEASE READ!!!!) posted by Tim on August 28, 1998 at 15:48:54:
: : : : We've seen messages from idiotic puffs who have the completely unfounded opinion that Harrison Ford is too old to star in Indy4. Well we think that that is a load of total bullshit. Could anyone with an opinion on this issue please leave us a message.
: : : Well, Harrison Ford is getting old. But that's not to say that he still can't play Indy. I for one like the idea of a grizzled old guy being the hero. Ever seen "The Rock". Connery is twelve years older than Ford, for Christ's sake! If he can do it, Ford can do it.
: : : Mack
: : Harrison Ford is in a very good shape. Haven't you seen him fighting against those pirates in 6D7N! That was very good for his age. I don't see any other actor playing Indiana Jones like Harrison Ford does and if they would replace him the Indy movies will more look like the Batman movies. Ford won't let them do that!
: : Fortune and Glory to you all.
: Harrison Ford is old, so old he should be in a resthouse or something.
bez: you betcha you're gay! i'd like to see you kicking terrorist ass at 50000feet! ok so not for real but if he can do Air Force One and Six Days then ,i mean, like, what can you say? all true and loyal Indyfans are like totally holding their breath for this, you know - and if Indy4 is like the previous trilogy then what can i say but it'll be more worth it even than watching you get ripped apart by a giant eagle or something(ok bez so you have a really overactive imagination but you've got to admit, that would be pretty cool).