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Posted by bez from slip139-92-24-212.por.uk.ibm.net on August 31, 1998 at 04:26:05:
In Reply to: Re: Fiddlesticks posted by Michaelson on August 29, 1998 at 17:13:40:
: : : : : : : : : : I was just wondering after being involved with this forum for some months now, how old all of the regulars in this forum are. I am 17 so I am probably one of the youngest. How old is everybody else?
: : : : : : : : : : Matt Walker
: : : : : : : : : I am, by far, the youngest. I'm 13 and a freshman in High School
: : : : : : : : Aha, then myself am the oldest by far. I am Gandalf, wizard of Three Ages. In Earth years, I am of fifteen years of age, 6'1, 180 lbs. and I appear as a senior, even though I am a rookie sophomore. Thou art 12, Elendil? Zounds, I have been parrying with a mere wisp of a lad. But thou art mighty in thine own environment, correct? For thou art Elendil, King of Numenor.
: : : : : : :
: : : : : : : Huh? No offense, but what the hell did you just say? I'm confused. I haven'th a clueth to whatith youith justith saidith.
: : : : : : : Indy
: : : : : : None taken, Jones. It was poor Middle English mixed with modern English. Translation: I am the oldest, then. My name is Gandalf, and I have lived for three ages (in Middle-Earth time [ever read Lord of the Rings (trilogy)? Good books]). In real life, I am fifteen, 6'1, 180 lbs., and just started my sophomore year in HS. I can't believe Elendil is twelve, because if you read some of our past posts, we tend to good-naturedly get on each others nerves, but we're cool with that. I have been fooling around with a young boy/girl. But you yourself have great power, correct? For you are Elendil, King of Numenor. Translation ended. Clear everything up? See ya, Jones, Elendil.
: : : : :
: : : : : Wait, then I'm the oldest of the three of us. I'm gonna start my junior year in high school and I'm 15, gonna be 16 in September. But that's beside the point. Anyway, you two speak better Middle English than I can. See ya around.
: : : : : Indy
: : : : You say you're fifteen now, sixteen in September. What day in September? I turn 16 October 2. You might not be as senior as you think.
: :
: : : I'm 16 on September 16. Born in 82'.
: : : Indy
: : Okay, so you beat me by a margin of two weeks, give or take a couple of days. Oh well. Then again, it feels cool to be one of the youngest people here.
: Let me just say, being one of the folks at the other end of the age bracket, and being there when Indy first appeared on the silver, we thought we were the only ones out here pursuing the Indy information. I, for one, am very pleased to see you here, because it proves the appeal of Indiana Jones for everyone. As to the Harrison Ford age discussions that have been appearing above, all I can tell you is that being Ford's current age that he was when he made the first Indy movie, I now totally understand his statement, "it isn't the age, it's the milage.", cause brother, you DO feel it. Regards. Michaelson
bez: i'm 13 . my name is beryl robinson i live in england. i would really like to get to know some of the older users of this site(egMichelson - is that your surname or from ' Michelson chapters 4 and 5 ' if i remember correctly)