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Posted by Doc from spider-wm044.proxy.aol.com on December 02, 2000 at 17:42:02:
In Reply to: Those're some bad examples, Doc... posted by Austin Powers on December 02, 2000 at 03:41:11:
: All your examples were of has-beens. Connery was retired or somethin' in the Rock, wasn't he? Eastwood has looked like full-body turkey chin for the last 15 years. Tommy Lee Jones can still pull off tough-guy roles, but he doesn't play characters who run from boulders and swing on whips. And the Jack Palance reference....what's up with that? He played a good crothety old man, not an action star. His only stunt in the City Slickers movies was walking. I think IF they ever get their heads outta their asses and make another Indy film it'll be NOTHING like the previous 3. It'll be a character study of a past-his-prime adventurer. To me that's just a big waste of time. People don't like Indy because of what makes him tick. They like him BECAUSE he runs from boulders and swings from a whip. I think if they make Indy 4 with a 60+ year-old Ford it'll have the same effect as making a Superman 5 with Christopher Reeve.
: Austin Powers
People like Indy because he runs from boulders and swings from a whip. (Your words, not mine) Harrison himself has said that all he does is "running, jumping, and falling". All the rest of it is done by stunt guys. Sure, an octogenarian Indiana Jones would be pretty farfetched, but as long as he can still pull of the aforementioned three activities, I don't see a problem with Ford at 60+ playing Indy. Besides, your dismissal of the actors that I listed was less than convincing. Sure, Connery played a retired soldier in The Rock. A retired soldier who was called back into action, and ran, fell, and jumped without so much as breaking a sweat. And what's with the Tommy Lee Jones dis? "Tommy Lee Jones can still pull off tough-guy roles, but he doesn't play characters who run from boulders and swing on whips." No kidding he doesn't play characters who run from boulders and swing on whips. That would be ripping off Indy. He plays characters who chase fugitives and get into fistfights. He gets just as physical as Harry does. So keep an open mind about such things. Just because Ford is 60 doesn't mean he can't still do Indy. Hell, he was 47 when he did LC. As long as he can run, jump, fall, and act, he'll do fine. The whip swinging we can leave to the stuntmen.