Posted by Shawnkara from on December 08, 2000 at 04:45:28:
In Reply to: Indys Whip for Sale posted by Matthew Walker on December 07, 2000 at 21:50:53:
Different whips were made for different stunts. If you look at the thing, I don't believe it's a ten-footer, either, as was the standard fair HF carried. Adding plaits to a whip means that each plait has to be narrower. This is done to add flexibility. Perhaps a stunt in the film required a more flexible whip. I'm thinking maybe the scene where he disarms the Thuggee guard on the cliff. My whip is a twelve plait and is still pretty stiff, despite how much I use it. Even at the thinnest point of its body it's too stiff to wrap around something as small as a human wrist, as was done in the scene. I believe the description mentions it being used in a fight scene. Perhaps that is the one! Hope this helps.