Posted by Mike Kim from on September 03, 1998 at 13:45:33:
In Reply to: Re: Swordsman scene: something never mentioned.... posted by Michaelson on September 03, 1998 at 09:33:18:
: :
: : The thing about this is, when I first heard this, I read it years ago in a Canadian magazine that said Harrison Ford was the one to think up the legendary scene.
: : Then on the AFI tribute to Steven Spielberg a few years back, George Lucas gave a "speech" about Spielberg. He said that when it happened, Harrison Ford was sick and told Spielberg that he didn't want to do the the scene. Steven replied, "well, the only way we can do that is if you just ~shoot~ the guy". Everyone around them started to laugh. Lucas said something about how Spielberg thought that he really had an idea with that. The moral of his story was that ~Steven Spielberg~ was the one who came up with that scene.
: : So anyway, a few weeks ago, on the A&E Harrison Ford Biography, George Lucas was at it again, telling this elaborate story about how ~Harrison Ford~ was the one who thought up the idea of shooting the swordsman. So, who thought of it?? This drives me crazy!
: Another thing that usually isn't mentioned because probably very few remember it was that Raiders was released while the US embassy hostage situation was still hot and current in Iran. I remember every time I saw the movie in the theater during that time, everytime Indy shot the swordsman there was always either a hearty round of applause or even a standing ovation for the act, reflecting the political climate that was very evident in the US at that time. Indy sort of acted out what the American public wanted to do, but because of the diplomatic posturing at the time, couldn't. Indy acted for us all during those turbulant times. It wasn't until years later when the Ford story came out regarding the reasons that the scene was shot the way it was, it was always thought to be a subtle political statement that Lucas and company had made. Time sure changes things, doesn't it? Regards. Michaelson
Damn!!!!! You really know your stuff! Props and kudos to Michaelson!