Posted by Mike Kim from on September 03, 1998 at 14:18:02:
Hey guys wassup?
Ok, first of all, I just read that Ark theory document whose link is listed here in the Indyfan main page...I have to tell u, that was quite strange, remarkable, believable, and unbelievable at the same time. (I hope that made a little sense). Anyhow, can someone give me a little more information about that and give me some insight as to what the heck it really is? I mean, the suggestions in it are very fantastic but the creator of it had so many itsy bitsy details about the warehouse and stuff. Someone please explain! Also, about the Infernal Machine game...Is it going to be like that Goldeneye game for n64? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TRADITIONAL PUSH, PULL, USE, OPEN, CLOSE, PICK UP, LOOK, etc. games!!!?!??! I love those types of games and to see all these new games being like this drives me nuts! Will Machine be ANYTHING like that and will there be other indy games with the traditional push-pull like atlantis and LC?
Regarding the death match...Voting is closed for new suggestions..But if u email, I'm sure we can get enough people to "petition" for it or whatever u want to call it, to get us the battle we've been waiting for! Everyone! Join the revolution (actually, begin the revolution) By emailing to this adress stating how much u want this matchup!!! Thank u for ur undivided attention (hehe) I now am open to all responses (hehe).
-Mike Kim