Posted by IJFan from on September 04, 1998 at 12:59:30:
In Reply to: Strap Information posted by D.Borton on September 04, 1998 at 11:24:41:
: BTW Their Official prices are Whip Holster $15.00 and Bag Strap $25.00.
If you're even a little handy with a hammer and a mat knife, you can get all the stuff you need to make both of these items at your local Tandy Leather shop for about $8.00.
The whip holster is pretty easy. Just get a leather strap about 1/2" to 3/4" wide, and some rivet-type snaps. Fold the top end of the strap over and fasten the male side of the strap through the two pieces to create a belt loop. Make sure the snap side faces out. Then determine an appropriate length for the rest of the strap to wrap twice around your whip, cut to length and put the female snap on. Voila. That cost about a buck fifty.
The design of the bag strap should be obvious to anyone familiar with what he's trying to construct (that's you). I think the strap cost me about $5.00, and the buckle and rivets were another $2.50 or so. I couldn't find an appropriate "slip" type buckle, so I just got an ordinary buckle and removed the hinged bar that's supposed to go through the holes in whatever you're buclking. Works great.
Just so you know...