Posted by MK from on December 23, 2000 at 15:10:39:
In Reply to: "LOST ARK" on TLC posted by INDY JONES on December 23, 2000 at 09:50:16:
The show was interesting, but they took a lot of dramatic license in the same way their shows on UFOs and Bigfoot do. The Ark is lined with gold, which does make a conductor-nonconductor-conductor situation. The big problem with this theory is the lid. It is lined with gold too. That would ground-out the plates. This was one of the many big scams that was in "Chariot of the Gods". It said students at a university were attempting to recreate the Ark as a project and that it became so dangerous it had to be dismantled. What a joke!! Also the theory about Moses getting the technology from the Egyptians, who originally got it from aliens!!! They will do anything to remove God from history. This is a prime example that it takes MORE faith NOT to believe in God. As for 5 Arks buried in Scotland, it's so out there I am not even going to comment.
One thing I will say is, I wish these type of shows would stop the redundant slow motion footage to stretch for time. Also they showed that shot of their Ark model rotating about 20 -30 times through out the show. Enough all ready. I would have rather seen some footage from Raider's. Well....I think most shows would look better with Indy footage. Like that guy with the fedora and leather jacket on the commercials for The History Channel's "Lost and Found" or is it "Histories Mysteries"? Which ever. Two Thumbs-up!