Posted by nitzsche from on September 05, 1998 at 21:52:48:
Watching Last Crusade tonight and something dawned on me. Indy is teaching a class on campus...then goes to the office and scuttles out through the window, only to be confronted by Donovan's thugs. The movie cuts, and Indy is in Donovan's penthouse (whatever). Anybody think it's strange that Donovan is having a formal cocktail party in the middle of the day? It doesn't even appear to be eventide through the window of Donovan's little showroom.
I seem to recall a cut scene from the Last Crusade trailer of Indy with a thug at each side glaring meanly as the penthouse elevator doors slide open. There must be a huge series of scenes cut out between the time of Indy's "abduction" on the street and the meeting with Donovan. It then seems Indy and Marcus rush off to Dad's house the same day. Where does Dad live and what university is HE supposed to be professor at?
Anyway, my main point is that it seems odd that Donovan is having a formal party in the mid-day. Anyone have any other ideas?