Posted by Austin Powers from on January 04, 2001 at 14:06:28:
In Reply to: Re: "Raiders" Jacket Observations posted by Patterson on January 04, 2001 at 13:44:23:
I hear what you're saying about the panel being sized proportionally, but I think they went a little too far. Meaning if I believe that the seams on Indy's jacket were about 3" apart(consult the video), and the Expedition on Flight Suits' website has seams that appear to be about 5 or 6" apart, then that would mean that the coat on the website is designed for a man with a torso nearly double Ford's in length?
I don't fully understand this "Ford has a short torso" theory. I know we're not all built EXACTLY like Ford, but we can't all be THAT different. I mean I'm 5'10", and Ford's what, about 6', 6'1"? We shouldn't have jackets that look totally different. I mean it's not like I'm Webster. I think there might be too much thought put into Ford's physique making the movie jackets look different than ours. Let's face it, Ford(at least in "Raiders") was a pretty normal guy. He's not insanely tall, he's not built like Swarzenegger. He's an average guy, just like most of us.
So why would the back panels differ so drastically? Shouldn't the seams all be within about an inch either way of the 3" movie jacket? So let's say a guy who's 5'5" orders a jacket, his seams should be about 2 or 2.5" apart. A guy who's 6'4" orders one and his seams are about 4" apart. Now unless the jacket on Flight Suits' website was designed to Shaq, I think the panel's too big.
Just my opinion,
Austin Powers