Posted by Michaelson from on September 08, 1998 at 07:10:18:
In Reply to: Bull Whip prices posted by D.Borton on September 07, 1998 at 20:41:12:
: : Hi Michaelson!!! I've been in Georgia for the past month or so.
: : I just got back on Saturday. I've been spending my summer earning
: : money for the very Indy-looking Filson Rucksack, courtesy of the
: : David Morgan company. It costed like $175. But it's well worth it.
: : It's 100% American-made, VERY sturdy and well-built, and it holds
: : my bullwhip and satchel very nicely. Have you seen Morgan's prices?!?!
: : My bullwhip, which costed only $515 this time last year, now costs
: : $585!!!!! Can you believe it??? And he's just created a new-size Indy
: : bullwhip- a 5 foot model for only $330. Do you know if anybody responded
: : to my offer for a trade of a copy of the Making of Raiders book for
: : my brand-new pristine condition Lost Treasure of Sheba book? And, have
: : you heard ANY news about Secret of the Sphinx? It's DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!
: : It's been a year and a half!!! Come on Bantam books- DANG!!! I did
: : pick up a copy of the new Harrison Ford biography. It has a SWEET
: : picture of Indy on the back cover that I've never seen before. I also
: : made a new discovery about Last Crusade: when Indy remarks, "If its
: : truth you're interested in, Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is right down
: : the hall..." it is a reference to the philosophy class that Harrison
: : took while attending Ripon college. His teacher- Dr. Tyree, was one
: : of Harrison's best friends, much like Indy and Professor Conrad (from
: : Peril at Delphi). Cool, huh? Sorry about not writing. I know there's
: : really no excuse for it, but I was rather busy. I did find a model of
: : the Martin M-130 China Clipper complete with Pan-Am logos, international
: : red wing-top decals and the famous NC-14716 identification numerals.
: : It's going to be awesome when I finish it!!! Bye for now!!!
: : Your friend-
: : Dale
: Hi Dale, good to see you back on the forum. I just wanted to comment on those new David Morgan Bullwhip prices. After reading you note I jumped over to their web site to check out the new prices, talk about a BIG surprise. I have watched his prices on his Indy series climb slowly over the past few years by around $15 dollars every six months or so, but this is by far the biggest increase I have seen. I can only speculate as to why such a big price increase, but I have to agree it is very disappointing. I like the Idea of him offering a 5ft version though. Take care, talk to you later.
: Dan
Well Dale and Dan, I did buy one of the watch lanyards for my pocket watch from Morgan. That's about the extent of my trading with them. Well, at least I finally bought something braided from them. Regards. Michaelson