Posted by The Man with the Hat from on January 17, 2001 at 14:50:01:
In Reply to: Anyoneh here have the Indy vcds? Please read posted by rbf1138 on January 17, 2001 at 13:39:42:
The Man with the Hat is back!!
I don't know about all DVD players, but on mine, the picture quality of my VCDs is pretty bad!! It is really fuzzy, the sound isn't the greatest, and to me, the subtitles are distracting!! Personally, I would wait for an Indy DVD, with THX sound, great picture quality, and all the extras that I'm sure George Lucas is going to put in the DVD for all the loyal Indyfans!!
: I'm wondering if any of you (im sure many of you do) have the indy trilogy on vcd? On ebay i contacted someone who will sell me the trilogy in widescreen with subtitles for 30.00 with free shipping. what do you guys think? my dvd player plays vcds, and i have a nice sound setup, and while they arent dolby digital, dolby surround is good also. If anyone does have them, how much better quality are they than the vhs releases? thanks!