Posted by Marhala Bartender from on January 19, 2001 at 10:24:43:
In Reply to: Re: What should Indy's sought after prize be in Indy 4? posted by Indiana Dog on January 18, 2001 at 17:37:40:
That certainly is interesting about Disney's Atlantis being put on hold because of homosexual undertones. I saw that there was a preview for the movie to come out in June or July of this year, so they must not have put it off too much. Not to get off track, but Disney seems to be doing quite a bit of rewriting such as with that "Emperor's New Groove". I remember when I was down at Disney World and took the animation studios tour that they had it tentavely titled Empire in the Sun and it didn't look like such a weak story as it turned out to be. Oh well.
I think Atlantis would probably make a pretty good story, but I really don't want people to be robbed of a great new Indy experience because Disney already tackled the Atlantis story in a different manner just a year or two before Indy is released. Kind of dimishes its impact I think.
I agree totally with Indiana Dog and his wishes that Lucasfilm would scout the Forum for ideas. Who better to write Indy's last adventure than his faithful followers who probably all know more about the character than Lucas or Spielberg actually do. I just don't want the last movie to be a disappointment. And I hope Indy doesn't spend the whole time saying "I'm too old for this".