Posted by Danno from on January 19, 2001 at 13:03:47:
In Reply to: Peter is the MAN!!!-Indiana Dog, you might not want to read this...... posted by Indydawg on January 19, 2001 at 12:45:53:
For all the negativity that has been thrown around, glad to hear you are getting satisfaction. Everyone who does own the jacket, or dare I say "animal skin". Pretty much has to agree, for the price, it is a damn nice jacket. I could care less about the little things that people have found fault in, buckles, zipper, snap, whatever. I bought "that animal skin" because I really just liked it! Regardless of Indiana Jones or not, I still love the Animal Skin! So if anybody still wants doesnt have one, I still recommend it. Danno
Man That animal skin comment is freakin me out, I dont wanna wear animal skin, blagh!