Posted by Santiago from on January 25, 2001 at 01:53:38:
I am sure this thought has come up before but anyway. With all the trouble we have been causing Disneyland and Disneyworld, somebody in Lucasfilm has to take notice. They are always going to have someone follow up on the success or failure of a product. If not then they should. So if Lucasfilm takes notice, it could speed things along for another movie, more figures, vehicles, etc. What do you guys think about that? Not so much about speeding the movie along but putting more thought into making other figures. Have any figures gone from being exclusives to being marketed in let's say Toys R Us or other locations?
Now this is just another hypothesis but. . . For some reason we are hearing more and more of Indiana Jones as time goes on. Last Crusade came out and not much for several years. The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, came out, Nintendo put out a game, then novels started showing up, comics, from Dark Horse, of the Chronicles and other original stories. Indiana Jones Spectacular in Disneyworld, Fate of Atlantis computer game to go along with the comic book. more novels, Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland, then the Indiana Jones web site with the re-release of the trilogy and putting in to video episodes of the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, and of course the newest video game that I have yet to play cause I am not that literate, is Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine. Now with this blindside of Indy toys from nowhere it is crazy. Another thought on the toys to interject. I suspect that "the powers that be are testing to see how the market takes to the new figures before releasing them to Disneyland in Calfornia. Just a thought or idea. Back to the original hypothesis. So with all this Indiana Jones "advertising" I am pretty certain that a movie will come, and that we will see more and more of Indy as time goes on. Everything seems to be building up to something. that is what I am saying. I would love to see more action figures, three or four more movies(Although we'd probably need the son of Indy for that). Now I haven't compared times to see if the release of these items corresponded with down time from Star Wars for Lucasfilm in order to stay in the buisness. Although Lucasfilm could (heaven forbid) scrap Indy altogether and not bat an eyelash about profit. Ok I said enough. Who knows I could be way off, I may have forgotten several items in the list of Indy things, and I probably don't have them all in order. I was going off memory, and I didn't have any sources to draw from. so with that said. Any comments on the above?
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