Posted by Fedora from on January 29, 2001 at 22:34:52:
In Reply to: ROTLA Fedora Current Thought? posted by MF on January 29, 2001 at 22:16:17:
: What's the current conventional wisdom of the Raiders hat? Watched ROTLA Sat. night and now I'm pretty sure that it's a 2 7/8 brim, at least in front and may not be dimensionally cut on the sides; rather the upturn provides the effect.
: Just wondering what the collective thinks these days!
Personally I think the hats sported a dimensional cut. You can see loads of fedoras in old movies that had the round brims, and they look completely different to my eyes. When I first got my GW fedora, it didn't look quite right in the brim dept. After I trimmed the sides down, it was much closer. Regards, Fedora