Posted by Inby from on January 31, 2001 at 19:11:04:
In Reply to: A few obstacles to Indy 4, from a writer's perspective. posted by Shawnkara on January 31, 2001 at 18:22:08:
Shiva lingam in fact do exist, although most real ones probably don't glow; their existence is a demonstrable fact, unlike the more mythical Grail and a supernatural Ark (don't spam me; I know that arks are an integral part of Jewish history, worship, and contemporary synagogue furniture; I'm talking about "the one, true ark").
Anyway, FYI, lingam are used in contemporary Hindu ritual as a symbol of the creative energy of the universe.
That is a brief, simplistic explanation, but I thought it might be helpful to point out that there is some basis in fact behind the weirdo Indy-fied storyline of TOD.