Posted by The Spatsman from on February 01, 2001 at 00:09:35:
Earlier it was pointed out that the Ark and the Grail were real enough, though they are surrounded by a huge amount of myth (Yes, chances are, the commandments were carried in an ornate box, and there was an olivewood bowl of some sort that Jesus drank from before he died)
This gives these objects some credibility, as well as some room for creative license.
These objects were actually sought by Hitler and Co., known occult fanatics and religious artifact seekers.
The question becomes "What artifact from history could be used to destroy or assist in ruling the world if it fell into the wrong hands?"
Nazi's were good villians, but their intentions toward these earlier objects were power and immortality.
So, in some ways, Atlantis could be used quite effectively as a plot device. What if Atlantis has a previously unheard-of technology? What if it's actually a continent, in a strategic location?
Same can be said of a number of objects, and a number of historic figures could have intentions toward them.
Some objects might be Excaliber, The Horn of a Unicorn, The Spear of Destiny, The Shroud of Turin, The Cauldron of Bran, The Standard of Rome, The Scourge of the Pharoahs, The knowledge in the Library of Alexandria and the Staff of Aaron.
Some of these objects may never have existed, some may have, some did.
All have some mythological attributes, some more then others. All could be put to good use in a decent plot.
As for those who might wish such objects for their own purposes...Well, Stalin was mentioned.
I like Aleister Crowley, but you can create any power-hungry, mad tyrant from a failing government, priests of twisted faiths, leaders of secret societies.
Don't get me wrong, these are difficult, and some of my ideas have been done before, but it's possible.
Yes, Shamalayan or whoever has his work cut out for him, but he could do it. I don't care, as long as I get action, exotic locales, and good character development.
~The Spatsman