Posted by Austin Powers from on February 14, 2001 at 16:18:20:
Today I just got my new 8-ft Indy-style bullwhip from Western Stage Props(aka Mark Allen). And man, I gotta tell ya, this thing looks EXACTLY like my David Morgan 10-footer, albeit shorter and "sleeker". The handle, knob, loop, plaiting, everything looks exactly the same, with the exception of the keeper(where the fall meets the plaited part), which is constructed just a TAD differently. But you'll only notice this if you have the two to compare and if you have a magnifying glass, as the difference is very minute. Also, the fall is white, which I've heard is truer to the whips used in "Raiders", although it stands out more in person. But I know it'll darken with age and or shoe-polish. I ordered from Mark Allen because I wanted a whip that was slightly more compact, a little leaner, plus closer in color to the movie whip, and I got it with this sumbitch.
I noticed on the Western Stage props website they offer the Indy whip in 3 colors, "natural, medium, and dark brown", but "black" is also available for $30 extra. On the site they show a small picture of what appears to be black, natural, and dark brown. I e-mailed inquiring about the "medium" color to which they said medium is very similar to natural, and that they've been having trouble getting the leather. So that clinched the dark brown color for me. I ordered it on Thursday the 8th, and received it today, the 14th, 4 business days. Not bad considering most Indy gear takes about 4 business months to arrive. The guy on the phone said they've almost ALWAYS got all the 12-plait sizes in stock, so it was just a matter of sliding it in a box and shipping it(5 business days being the 'norm').
Anyway this whip looks great, and for $160 less than a "natural-colored" David Morgan, it's a bargain. The color is a very rich-looking dark brown, with a slight hint of mahogany, which I feel is more accurate than the tannish-pink of the "natural" color. The lighter weight really makes it feel more like an extension of one's arm than the 10-footer, and leads me to believe it'll hang better and slide around much less when hanging in the belt holder. Also the reduction in length really makes this whip resemble Indy's more, when coiled. Right out of the box the whip was rather stiff, as was my David Morgan at first. I can't wait for the snow to melt so I can go loosen it up by pretending to whip Thugees.
So, if you're in the market for an Indiana Jones whip, and you're discouraged by the price of the "authentic" David Morgan, I'd suggest giving Mark Allen's whips some thought. They look exactly the same and each length is well over a hundred dollars cheaper, plus they come in a variety of colors.
Austin Powers
P.S. If you DO want the "natural" color, try USWings. I've heard their whips are Mark Allens, and they're even cheaper yet.