Posted by DeWayne from on February 17, 2001 at 07:56:05:
In Reply to: I'll tell you a secret about widescreen.... posted by Shawnkara on February 17, 2001 at 01:51:06:
It really depends on how the movie was shot. As far as the Indy and Star Wars movies were shot, widescreen is the way to go. There is nothing cropped from the top and bottom of those films, BUT tons cropped from the sides in the standard versions. When you get into films like "T2" "Titanic" & even the "Jurassic Park" movies, you're in a whole new arena (basically, they were shot two different ways at once), they were shot so that there are things you miss and gain in both versions of the movie. Make sense? It's best explained in one of the billion special features of the "T2" ultimate DVD. It would take much too long here. The "JP" movies get really confusing. The theatrical presentations were in 2.35:1, while the widescreen vids/DVD's are in 1.85:1, showing some things you can't get in standard, and cropping some things you can.
Anyway, widescreen Indy is the only way to go! (This stuff is easier to demonstrate than explain!)
See ya! DeWayne
: It's an over rated joke. I have both versions of 'Titanic'. It's said that standard crops the sides of the screen. But most people don't realize that widescreen crops the top and bottom. In one scene in 'Titanic' a character is holding a wine glass. In the standard version the entire glass is visible. In the widescreen the glass is cropped just below the rim. Since this revelation I have examined both versions of several films. Most films are nothing but cropped versions of the stanard format. I do not have the widescreen versions of the Indy films. But seeing as how Lucas doesn't give a crap about anything but 'Star Wars' I doublt any attention was given to bringing us the best possible versions of the Indy films.