Posted by Michaelson from on February 18, 2001 at 12:35:24:
In Reply to: Evidence to back up my outrageous jacket comments.... posted by Austin Powers on February 16, 2001 at 19:12:28:
My FS is hanging on the back of a studio chair next to me as I write this, and the back panel you're referring to on my jacket matches EXACTLY to the panel in the picture you're showing above in all respects. Interesting. I guess mine must be a mistake. Regards. Michaelson
: A while back I was a key player in the "Top Back Panel Scandal of 2000". Along with a few others I believed that the top back panel on Indy's jacket as seen in "Raiders" was much smaller than that of any jacket produced today, including the almighty Flight Suits Expedition. With this panel being smaller, the action-pleats would start higher up on the back, allowing them to work much better than say a Wested or Cooper, whose pleats begin near the armpit and are virtually useless.
: Well the gang and I kinda hit a brick wall when it came to trying to present our opinions to the powers that be. Our ideas were debunked with the "measurements can be deceiving in action sequences" explanation. While that may be a legitimate conclusion in some instances, it didn't hold up considering most of our "evidence" came during slow, even stationary scenes in the film.
: Anyway, I just found a photograph from "Raiders" that proves our theory beyond a reasonable doubt. If you'll look at the picture above(click link below if picture doesn't show), you can see that the top back panel on Indy's coat is noticeably smaller than that of any coat on the market today. The damning evidence comes when one looks at the distance from where the action-pleats start(seam running across shoulder blades) to the top shoulder seam(where epaulets would be on a shirt). When comparing this distance to the width of Indy's hat ribbon, which is 1.5", one can only deduct that the top back panel is no more than 3" at its smallest point. My Wested is a size 40R(same size Ford wore) and my top back panel is 4" at this spot.
: Another point that can be seen in this photo is the fact that the action-pleats begin EXACTLY in-line with the arced seam connecting the arms to the body of the jacket, which would allow for a more "V-shaped" back. On my Wested the pleats are inset a good 3/4", creating a virtually rectangular back.
: So, for whatever it's worth, there's MY evidence. And I don't think camera tricks and quick movements can be used to debunk this picture. I'm really curious to see what the re-worked Flight Suits jacket looks like. We should see some pictures of the final design in what, July right?
: Peace out,
: Austin Powers