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Posted by INDIANA GJR from on September 20, 1998 at 10:15:29:

In Reply to: Re: Does Harrison Ford smoke? If so, yikes... posted by TSL on September 20, 1998 at 00:37:55:

: : Before I saw Clear and Present Danger, I was pretty much certain that Ford didn't smoke. Now I have my doubts. He smokes there, in Regarding Henry, in Apocalypse Now, and I've seen a picture of him from college with a butt his hand. In all cases, he didn't smoke that much, but still the fact is present. I have too much respect of Ford to not like him for smoking (I DO NOT ABIDE SMOKING), but I'm concerned for his health and his acting ability as an action star. Yes, I know Bruce Willis puffs two packs a movie and still kicks butt, but he's not 55. Does Ford smoke habitually?

: I have a behind the scene tape of Star Wars and Ford did smoke when starwars was made. It surprised me when I saw him smokeing because I always thought that he wasn't the type of person to smoke. As of now I don't know.

As for cigerettes, Ford does not smoke them. Once in a while i do see on interviews Ford having a nice cigar. The man is still in exallent shape for his age. Take care ,

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