Posted by Indiana Confused from on March 04, 2001 at 16:59:22:
I'm just getting started on my Gear collection. I've purchased the bag, I have a nearly mint Webley holster coming to me and I about about to order the jacket and hat. Now, here's my dilemia, I'm not certain what film i should be modeling my collection after. I've been tending toward ToD, because I prefer that style of the jacket. It's length doesn't look as Fonzie as the Raiders. I guess I just really need your input on why you've chosen a certain film to inspire your collection. Right now, I've got a great "crusade" holster, but I'm thinking of ordering the ToD jacket. Is that like mixing meats? Is it something you just don't want to do? Please give me some honest guidance. Also, if I do stay with the ToD style, then I'll need to sell my "Crusade" holster. What kind of holster is Indy using in ToD? I just haven't seen good pics of it, and does Noel really carry a good replica?
Indiana Confused