Posted by Michaelson from on March 05, 2001 at 13:21:46:
In Reply to: Re: Shawnkara is right.... posted by Shawnkara on March 04, 2001 at 16:11:06:
: Yes, it's a shame, too. Harrison was to sick to hack the physical requirements of such an elaborate fight scene, so they just shot him. Sure, it's a classic 'Raiders' moment and I wouldn't trade it for anything, but that would have been the most elaborate display of Indy's skill where the bullwhip is concerned. There's another 'grand display' scene that was cut from ToD, too. Indy was doing a demonstration for the Marahraja (sp?); picking flowers from the dancers' hair, etc. Harrison doesn't like to use stunt doubles for these things, and I doubt that Harrison (not Indy) is THAT good with a whip. the time that Raiders came out, that scene was one of the MOST popular in the entire movie, as we were just getting over the hostage crisis in Iran, and needless to say, folks in turbans waving swords were not on our "A" list at that time. Indy just did what almost every US citizen wanted to do to the Ayatolla (sp?), but had been told it was not "politically correct", or in the best interest of the US at the time by then Presidents Carter and Reagan. At every showing of Raiders that this scene occurred that I ever sat in, that scene got a HUGE round of applause, and at one showing a standing ovation! Times change, but that scene worked perfectly for that particular time period. Regards. Michaelson