Posted by Patterson from on March 07, 2001 at 12:23:15:
In Reply to: Whch is closest to Raiders jacket color , Wested or Flight Suits? posted by California Smith on March 07, 2001 at 11:59:19:
The lighting affects so much in the final edited film. One suggestion is to look at "The Making of..." TV special. That is just straight filming without the lightening/darkening of the finished product. I can say that, "in the flesh", the leather was dark with a hint of reddish highlights. There are three leathers used that I've seen look right with respect to color. Remember, though, I was looking at something that was not exactly in pristine condition.
1.) The best match I've seen with respect to color and texture is the veg tanned seal brown FS goatskin. It is heavier than the lambskin used, but the color and texture were dead-on.
2.) The lambskin used by FS is very, very close in color and has the proper draping and weight. Brand new it is a bit glossy, but this dies down quickly. With a bit of wear, the red tones do come out, though they have a bit more pink than I'd like. It is the best lamb I've seen, though at far as match.
3.) The Wested predistressed matches color almost perfectly ONCE YOU TREAT IT WITH PECARDS. Out of the box, it's not even close, though. I do hear really good things about Peters new finish cowhide with respect to color, weight, texture, and draping. The new finish lamb they use (the last I saw) is not worth mentioning.
IMHO - Cheers!