Posted by Azuma from on September 27, 1998 at 11:14:19:
In Reply to: Re: Enough Already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! posted by ~The Raider~ on September 27, 1998 at 08:50:10:
I wouldn't want to see any one else as Indy but Ford.
: : I'm so tired of the continuous, and frequent "Who else could play Indy?" theories!
: : The exclusive (and in most of your minds should be the definitive) list:
: : 1. First Choice - Harrison Ford
: : 2. Runner Up - Sean Patrick Flanery
: : 3. In Desperation - Tom Selleck
: : 4. Heir to the Throne, Maybe - Corey Carrier
: : And that's pretty much it. Enditnow, or damn your souls!
: : TIGA
: Don't you think that's a little harsh? It's just fun speculation.
: ~The Raider
: (p.s: SeanPatrick Flanery and Corey Carrier could not really make it. They were good as young Indy's, but I don't think they could have the same panache as Ford.)