Posted by Indiana Jimmie from on March 14, 2001 at 17:19:08:
In Reply to: Re: Help with Infernal Machine- Nub's Tomb posted by Indiana Josh on March 14, 2001 at 15:47:34:
: I am down somewhere in the temple where there are some gears going around and the Russian commander is down there as well. Everytime I get hear him he runs away. What do I do here??
: Cheers Josh
Slide the two blocks under the room in the center so that one blocks the hole in the floor above, and one blocks one of the side entrances ....then you move the statue in the room over to block one of the openings in there, then chase Volnikov (SP?) or whatever his name is into the room...he'll give up, and you see a cut scene.
Good luck...hope this helps!!
Indiana Jimmie