Re: Late Night Ramblings...

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Posted by Curious from on March 18, 2001 at 07:03:18:

In Reply to: Late Night Ramblings... posted by Tyree on March 18, 2001 at 02:37:47:

There's probably never been a Star Wars TV anything because that medium is beneath Lucas' favorite creation.

You make some good points, though I've never been too interested in the Indy novels. I read part of one once, but found it to be sadly lacking (must've been a Caidin version) and it just didn't capture the character for me. That's been years ago, though, so maybe I should try again--with a good one this time.

: I just finished reading Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Sphinx (for the 100th time), and due to the late hour, I feel like making some comments.
: I'd like to start off by saying that I really like most of this book. It has a decent story, and is packed with action that makes this book a real page turner. I, however, don't care for the fact that Max McCoy has Indy tell the other characters that he was "never married." What the heck? I once read an interview with Max McCoy where he stated that he wanted to break away from anything the other two authors had written, and that's fine. So, don't mention Jack Shannon, or discuss any specific literary adventures. But its kinda like a smack in the face to have Indy say he was never married. Yeah, its a minor point, but I thought Deirdre was a pretty cool character, along the same sorta lines as Marion. And if these books are authorized by Lucasfilm, doesn't one think someone would have caught this? You always read about Ol' George Lucas being a control freak when it comes to continuity in the Star Wars movies, and I kinda assumed that went for all of his creations. I guess not, huh? How sad that Indy seems to once again take a back seat to everything else George does. I guess I shouldn't complain too much, 'cuz he did give us all of those Young Indy adventures, and I've yet to see a Star Wars t.v. series.
: Another funny thing, totally off course with that last bit. I saw a guy walking around the mall today, and I couldn't help but wonder if this is what Old Indy looked like in the 1980's. This gentleman I saw was probably in his late 70's, and was wearing tennis shoes, plaid pants, a white dress shirt, and a dark brown fedora. But the real clincher was the jacket. He had on a genuine brown "pleather" Members Only jacket!! It was really great, and I couldn't help but draw a comparison (even though I KNOW Indy would have more style than that!!)
: Well, if anyone is still with me here, thanks for reading, and tell me what you think. Now if only Paramount would release the rest of the Young Indy videos, I'd be a happy man!

: Cheers,

: Tyree

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