Posted by Michaelson from on September 30, 1998 at 13:06:31:
In Reply to: Re: Nein! Das ist wirklich! posted by Max on September 30, 1998 at 10:40:46:
: : : : I can count at least five mistakes in the Tank Chase in LC. 1) When the first NAzi tackles Indy and lands on top of him at the end of the tank. In the next shot they're still rolling and Indy winds up on top. 2) When Indy kicks the periscope, it spins the wrong way. 3) Indy's hat is inconcistent when he's hanging from the cannon. 4) When Sallah rides off with Brody, we see Indy has already overpowered the General (forgot his name - is that his rank?). 5) The tank turret is (not) attached to the tank when it crashes.
: : : : Great movie, but just a few too many inconsistencies. Editing, people. Let's work on editing.
: : : : -The Grey Wanderer-
: : : I think that the General (Vogel) his rank is "StandartenFührer".
: : : It's some kind of German Nazi rank but I don't know what the same rank in Englisch is. It could be General.
: : : -Webley-
: : : Vogel was more likely not a General. Wearing the black ceremonial uniform identifies him as an officer of the Schutzstaffel or SS. If he was a general, he would have been referred to as Herr Oberst. Hard to tell what the rank is from just "Standartenfuhrer". Fuhrer is German for "leader". "Oberfuhrer" would have been a major... Vogel was probably a lieutenant colonel or full colonel. -MP
: I kinda always thought that Vogel was a Colonel so a "Oberst" in
: German. I never heard of a rank called "Standartenfuhrer" but I
: belive it's a term for the "leader" or the commanding officer of
: one regiment or so. I don't really think this is the same as a
: General. Also wouldn't a lieutnant colonel a "Oberstleutnant" and
: so still considered "under" the (full) colonel? Just my two cents.
: Regards,
: -Max
Actually Max, the term, "he's the bad guy" always worked for me. I'm confused enough, thank you. Regards. Michaelson