Posted by Lord Clarence MacDonald from on March 23, 2001 at 10:44:06:
Hello people.
Empire, the UK's biggest movie mag, has an online poll every month. At present, they are asking the following question: "Which of these Action Heroes do you rate as the best of the bunch?"
As of 3pm today (Friday) (GMT) 4682 people have voted. Here are the results:
Dirty Harry: 4%
John McClane: 15%
Ellen Ripley: 6%
Ranbo 2%
Conan The Barbarian: 2%
Mad Max: 3%
James Bond: 18%
...wait for it...
Indiana Jones 52%
For all those innumerates out there, that's more than half! (Although, I guess if you're innumerate you won't know what a half is either, will you.)
However, Empire's website must be innumerate because the total percentage is 102. Either way, Indy still wins.
Empire also released a special Action Movie issue. Indy graces the front cover and Raiders and Temple are featured inside in the Adventure section (where else?).
You can see the front cover of this at the foot of the Empire homepage.
LCM (no, not Lowest Common Multiple, you numerates, Lord Clarence MacDonald)
PS - I apologise for my verbal diahorreage concerning the use of the word "innumerate". It's not the only big word I know, honestly. Look, here's another one, floccinaucinihilipilification, which means mothingness or oblivion etc. Word o' the Day toilet paper, fantastic.