Posted by Patterson from on March 24, 2001 at 10:43:58:
In Reply to: Re: Question for MK.... posted by MK on March 24, 2001 at 07:15:48:
The lamb will probably meet the needs/expectations of more fans than not. My preference for the goat stems from two personal things: 1.) the desire to be able to put this in harms way, ala camping/hiking/chasing a 3 and 8 year old whenever we may travel, and 2.) the absolutely erie resemblance in color and grain this has to a jacket I saw in the flesh - you get some hints of that throughout scenes in Raiders, but how does one communicate that to others who were not there?
If you're going to wear your jackets casually and cherish them by protecting them from that much-talked-about nailhead - lamb is for you. If your definition of cherish is to wear it, and wear it, and wear it, and to put it through a life that will result in having a jacket in 1, 5, 10, 20, 30 years that looks more and more "Indyish", then I'd say go for lamb. I've never been one to take sandpaper to a jacket, but I have taken my share of spills on loose soil and rock on backcountry hikes. Now THAT will add character to a jacket - and black and blue to one's backside.