Re: Star Wars 1 title

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Posted by ~The Raider~ from on October 04, 1998 at 18:37:41:

In Reply to: Re: Indy 4 title posted by Bordok on October 04, 1998 at 09:59:14:

: : In the interview of the spanish magazine "Fotoframas" , Ford confirmed that the title of the new Indy film is "Indiana Jones and the Lost Continent", and he also said that Jefrey Boam was working on it

: A Finnish TV program just interviewed Ford and he said that he doesn't know if Indy4 is being made and it's all up to Spielberg...
: Of course he might've said so because Spielberg and Lucas didn't like it when he was telling everyone that they're working on it :) heheh
: There has been a lot of discussion about the title of SW episode I, The Phantom Menace. I don't like the title very much and I'm not the only one...

Before Lucas released "Return of the Jedi", he said, up until the release date, that the title was "Blue Harvest". This can instil hope for us who cannot believe Lucas would come up with such an unrelated title. Something like "The First Hope" would even be more appropriate.

~The Raider

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