Posted by Laurie Jensen from on October 04, 1998 at 20:41:31:
In Reply to: Re: Michaelson is George Lucas!!! posted by Michaelson on October 04, 1998 at 09:54:23:
: :
: : : I have funny idea that Michaelson is George Lucas, because he knows too much about Indy. Where did he found all thous informations?
: : : It`s joke ofcourse, but I`m sure that one of us is George man.
: : : I think we should found him and kill...:)))
: : : I think he should reveal himself or we should investigate to reveal this.
: : : That is the idea.
: : : John
: : Good luck with that one! Do you know how expensive it would be to track down everyone here from a credible source?
: : Even if Lucas did read these, do you think he'd actually risk sending some reply? I mean, you never know who out there might be crazy enough to try and track down anyone.
: : Excuse my paranoia and pessimissim, I have a cold.
: : ~The Raider
: I appreciate the compliments, but no, I'm not old George. I've just been "living' Indy for a lot of years. Your cold couldn't be too bad. I wouldn't have even ATTEMPTED to spell pessimissim feeling well! Get feeling better. Regards. Michaelson
Actually, I think Michaelson is really Steve Sansweet, the collector extraordinaire of Star Wars merchandise. Michaelson is his Indy collecting name.
Seriously, though, there are rumors that George lurks on some of the Star Wars pages, or at least has people at Lucasfilm keep tabs on the gossip being swapped about the upcoming prequel. Last year, a site that had a lot of interesting insider type material was run off the web by Lucasfilm, so someone in charge is paying attention. Also, remember how quickly that phony Indy IV script was rushed off the web? Yep, big Lucas brother is out there.