The top-hundred lines that Indy SHOULD have said: # 100: "Mola Ram, I'll kick your arse!"
Posted by Barnacle Tom from on April 01, 2001 at 03:44:06:
Follow Ups:
- ...and the #1 thing Indy would say: "Marion.... you gonna eat that?" (nm) Brett 13:30:48 4/03/2001
- #2: "Sallah! I said LLAMA'S!!! NOT camels, jeez can't you tell 'em apart?" (nm) Brett 13:30:13 4/03/2001
- #3: (behind the scenes of LC): Casting Director: "I'm sorry sir, we couldn't get Connery to play your Dad, Harrison..." Harrison: "Oh... so who will replace him?" Casting Director: "The obvious choice would be Jar Jar Binks... at Lucas' request of course!" (nm) Brett 13:28:48 4/03/2001
- #4: Indy (at the end of LC): "Seriously, we'll make a 4th one! We've just gotta get Harrison, Spielberg's and Lucas' schedules worked out and a script we all can agree on... yada yada yada!" Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:27:00 4/03/2001
- #5 Indy: "Yo Adrian! I did it!" (Rocky-reference) (nm) Brett 13:25:28 4/03/2001
- #6: Indy to Elsa: "...I don't like fast women... but I do LOVE them slutty ones!" (nm) Brett 13:23:53 4/03/2001
- #7: Indy: "Shiny happy people holding... shiny happy people holding hands!" (R.E.M.-reference!) (nm) Brett 13:22:28 4/03/2001
- #8: Indy: "You're old enough to her fat-- her grandfather!" Henry, Sr: "Aw come on, Junior, that never stopped Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones from hooking up, did it?" (nm) Brett 13:20:33 4/03/2001
- #9: Donovan: "Let me tell you another bedtime story, Dr. Jones..." Indy: "Oh no! This doesn't mean by the end of this scene, we'll be in bed together, oh ick!" (nm) Brett 13:18:52 4/03/2001
- Once again, I can't count, this one will be #10: Indy(doing his best Ernest impression): "Hey Verne!" Brett 13:17:32 4/03/2001
- #12: Shorty:"Dr. Jones! Did you know I narrowly beat bud-arc for this role?" (inside joke, folks!) (nm) Brett 13:16:42 4/03/2001
- #12: Marcus: "How does one get off of this thing?" Indy: "Whatchu' talkin' bout Willis? Ridin' tanks rules!!!" (nm) Brett 13:15:38 4/03/2001
- #13: Panama Hat: "Small world, Dr. Jones!" Indy: "You're quite right. I predict that in about 60 years from now, we're going to have to deal with a massive over-population problem, By the year 2000, we'll be having space colonies on the moon!" Brett 13:14:05 4/03/2001
- #14: Shorty: "Dr. Jones! No more parachutes!" Indy: "Parachutes?!? We don't need no stinkin' parachutes!" ("Treasure of the Serria Madre" reference) (nm) Brett 13:11:37 4/03/2001
- #15: Indy: "Dad, DON'T call me Veronica!" (nm) Brett 13:09:54 4/03/2001
- #16: Col. Musgrove: "We have TOP men, working on it?" Indy: "Who? George W. Bush? Oh gimme a break!" Brett 13:08:05 4/03/2001
- #17 Indy: "So long Princess, don't get all mushy on me... crap! I'm in the wrong movie again, Lucas could we space out these Star Wars and Indy movies a little, it's hard to learn lines for 4 freakin' movies in a row!" (nm) Brett 13:06:27 4/03/2001
- #18 Henry Sr.: "What happens at 11 O'clock?" Indy: "Dad! It's freakin' 3:30, will you get with it, mofo?" (nm) Brett 13:04:27 4/03/2001
- #19 Irene (Indy's secretary): "...and these term papers STILL haven't been marked?" Indy: "Well really! What do ya expect, half the year I'm in teh freakin' desert kickin' Nazi ass, saving the world, sexing up a bunch of hot biatches, fighting off Thuggees, do you REALLY expect me to have time to mark some measly term papers?" (nm) Brett 13:01:35 4/03/2001
- #20 Indy, serenading to Marion: "Love, love me do! You knoooow I love you, I'll always be true! So won't you ple-ee-ee-ease... Love me Do!" (nm) Brett (Maverick) Lambert 12:59:40 4/03/2001
- #21: Marion: "Dammit, where does it NOT hurt?" Indy: "Ohhhh... I can think of a few places, huh huh!" (nm) Brett (Maverick) Lambert 12:58:19 4/03/2001
- #22 Indy: "I am not an animal, I am a human being!" ("The Elephant Man" reference) Brett 12:56:59 4/03/2001
- #23: Indy (before being beaten to death from the German Mechanic): "LIVE FROM NEW YORK, it's SATURDAY NIGHT!" (for all you SNL fans out there!) (nm) Brett 12:56:10 4/03/2001
- #24: Shorty: "Haha! Very funny! All wet!" Indy: "Yeah, huh huh, she's all wet! Get it? ALL wet?" Willie: "Oh wipe that silly grin off your faces you horndogs!" (nm) Brett 12:54:59 4/03/2001
- #24: "That does NOT belong in a museum, it belongs in a highly exploitative capitalists hands where they will make money off the impressionable public! Brett 12:53:23 4/03/2001
- #25 Here's Henry, Sr. updated to today's age: "Goose-stepping morons like yourself, should be surfing the net instead of making hate websites!" (nm) Brett 12:50:48 4/03/2001
- #26: Indy to Mola Ram: "Now Mola Ram, I'm sure we can settle this matter like responsible adults, isn't that right, Mr. Poopy Pants!?" (nm) Brett 12:49:11 4/03/2001
- #27: Belloq: "What was once briefly yours is now mine!" Indy: "Oh yeah? Well I got Marion, nyah, nyah!" Brett 12:48:01 4/03/2001
- #28: "Shorty, may the force be with you...err, whoops, wrong film!" Brett (Maverick) Lambert 12:46:05 4/03/2001
- #29: Indy: "How'd you know she was a Nazi?" Henry, Sr.: "Well Junior, it's because I fu*ked her! Ya satisfied, punk?!?" (nm) Brett (Maverick) Lambert 12:44:46 4/03/2001
- #30: "Mola Ram, prepare to meet Kali.... in heaven, because my religion doesn't believe in hell!" (nm) Brett 12:43:26 4/03/2001
- #31: Indy when first greeting Marion: "Heeeeelloooooo babay!" (Big Bopper-style!) Brett 12:42:23 4/03/2001
- Let's continue this mofo... #32: Elsa: "...I knew it was you, you have your father's eyes." Indy: "...and my mother's ears, plus I also have my father's long, big well-hung... aw, forget it!" (nm) Brett (Maverick) Lambert 12:41:16 4/03/2001
- #33 - Marion: Well, that'll get me back, but not in style." Indy: "Are you kidding? We're in the middle of a freakin' depression! For three thousand bucks you can fly in to New York on a solid gold airplane wearing a gold lamee dress and a tiara of smoldering $100 bills. For a gal who's been doing shots with a bunch of sherpas for ten years, you're mighty uppity all of a sudden. (nm) schwammy 11:13:31 4/03/2001
- #34, when battling Nazi's, Indy: "NOO! I'm too pretty to die!" Brett 14:09:11 4/02/2001
- Ooops, looks like I can't count, this one will be #35 Brett 14:07:39 4/02/2001
- #38: Sallah: "Oh, they call him Bellosh!" Indy: "Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA......"..... Brett (Maverick) Lambert 14:04:18 4/02/2001
- #39: Indy: "Three simple words... I am gay!" (don't stone me to death you homophobes, it's only a Simpsons quote!) Brett 14:02:29 4/02/2001
- #40: Shorty: "Surely you can't be serious, Dr. Jones?" Indy: "I am serious, and don't call me Shirley!" Brett 14:00:28 4/02/2001
- #41: Indy:"I've been swimming in raw sewage... and I LOVE IT!" Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:59:41 4/02/2001
- #41 "Short Round... ever hung around the gymnasium?" Brett 13:58:35 4/02/2001
- #42: (More Airplane) "Ever spent time in a Turkish prison?" Brett 13:57:41 4/02/2001
- #43: Indy to Shorty: "Ever seen a grown man naked?" (Airplane reference, you sickos!) Brett 13:56:57 4/02/2001
- #44: Indy: "Short Round... do you like movies about gladiators?" Brett 13:56:01 4/02/2001
- #45: Henry Sr. : "I didn't know you could fly?" Indy: "Uhhh.... you mean this is a plane? Aw shit!" Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:54:39 4/02/2001
- #45 Jock: " the way, I'm still drunk, I don't know how to fly the plane!" Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:50:38 4/02/2001
- #46: "You Klingon bastards! You killed my son!" Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:49:26 4/02/2001
- #47 Indy: "I whip wild dogz when I go advenchuring!" Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:47:37 4/02/2001
- #48: instead of Sallah singing show-tunes: "Break it down! HammerTime!" (nm) Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:43:47 4/02/2001
- #49 Captain Katanga: "Your appearance is exactly as I had imagined.... you look like shit!" Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:41:53 4/02/2001
- #50 Indy when looking at his clothes: "Sorry, Belloq, my Village People gear was in the cleaners, you know I'm just a MACHO MACHO MAN!" Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:40:39 4/02/2001
- #51: After seeing the power of the Ark, Indy: "Whoa..." Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:38:23 4/02/2001
- #52: "I hate 'dem snakes, Jock! I hate 'em, biatch!" (Gansta-Indy) (nm) Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:36:17 4/02/2001
- #53: This would be if graml played Indiana... Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:34:08 4/02/2001
- #54: At the dinner scene in ToD: "Perhaps they threatened to cut off your hands then..." Indy: "No, it was...." Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:31:44 4/02/2001
- #55: Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:28:28 4/02/2001
- #56: not necessarily a line, more what he should have done... Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:25:43 4/02/2001
- #57: "Yeah my name's Indy, and I'm the bullgod!" Brett (Maverick) Lambert 13:23:22 4/02/2001
- #58: TOD: Wu Han: "I have been, and always shall be, your friend. Live long and prosper." Indiana Banzai 23:39:35 4/01/2001
- #59 - Indy: "I'm going after that truck." Sallah: "How?" Indy: "I'm going to ask the Nazis nicely if I can ambush their truck." Indy 23:30:51 4/01/2001
- #60 Indy coaxing Giant Thuggee: "Come to papa!" Injun Jones 23:26:46 4/01/2001
- #62 To Elsa after she falls in chasm at the end of LC: " got real ugly." (nm) GE 23:25:05 4/01/2001
- #62 After Donovan drinks from the wrong grail: "Ooh...that's gotta hurt!" (nm) The Black Death 23:23:29 4/01/2001
- #63 Indy eye-pokes German Mechanic: "Ooo! I'm blind! I'm blind!" (nm) L.T. Smash 23:22:24 4/01/2001
- #64 Crusty McBud 23:20:26 4/01/2001
- #65 "It wasn't my head they threatened to cut off. It was my...penis. I mean, misunderstanding! Honest! Dammit, there goes my reputation!" Indiana Bones 23:17:17 4/01/2001
- #66 Pee-Wee Jones 23:15:05 4/01/2001
- #67 "Name's Jones; Indiana Jones." Indy 23:13:25 4/01/2001
- #68 To Willie at the end of ToD: "Gimme some sugar, baby." (nm) GE 23:10:25 4/01/2001
- #69 (Eww...) BD 23:05:07 4/01/2001
- #70 - You're right, Marcus, it is unlike anything I've ever gone after before. Forget it! schwammy 22:19:49 4/01/2001
- #71: To Marion: "Do I make you horny, baby?" Indiana Banzai 19:48:17 4/01/2001
- #72: "I have a bad feeling about this." Indiana Banzai 19:46:10 4/01/2001
- #73 Crusty McBud 17:39:30 4/01/2001
- #74 (Elsa line) Injun Jones 17:37:09 4/01/2001
- #75 L.T. Smash 17:30:45 4/01/2001
- #76 To Elsa: "Yo, Nazi-bitch! Let's go." (nm) The Black Death 17:27:11 4/01/2001
- #77 (A Marion line) Marion 17:21:53 4/01/2001
- #78 "Name's Indy; archaeology." Indy 17:19:41 4/01/2001
- #79 "We can beat these Nazis, we can beat 'em! With science..." Indy 17:18:06 4/01/2001
- #80 Whippola 17:05:44 4/01/2001
- #81 Indi-Ash-a Jones 16:56:49 4/01/2001
- #82 Ash 16:51:45 4/01/2001
- #83 Crusty McBud 16:50:09 4/01/2001
- #84 (To Thuggees) - "Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this? This is my bullwhip!" (nm) L.T. Smash 16:46:02 4/01/2001
- #86 "Hey, Vogel. Y'know your shoelace is untied." *punches Vogel off tank* The Black Death 16:44:00 4/01/2001
- #86 "Marcus, I'm through being your garbage boy! Now I want out. Like in the deal!" (nm) Injun Jones 15:54:06 4/01/2001
- #87 Indi-Ash-a Jones 15:38:19 4/01/2001
- #88: "You gonna sing that sword or whistla dixie?" (mistake from earlier post) junior 15:27:42 4/01/2001
- #89 "Three Holy Grails? Whoa, whoa, whoa...nobody said anything about THREE Holy Grails!" (nm) Ffej 13:35:27 4/01/2001
- Re: The top-hundred lines that Indy SHOULD have said: # 100: "Mola Ram, I'll kick your arse!" junior 12:16:47 4/01/2001
- #91 Ash 12:12:29 4/01/2001
- #92 "Hey, uh, Hitler. What's that you got on your face?" *throws dirt in face* Indy 11:15:37 4/01/2001
- #93 "I'm hungry. Let's get a taco." nm Mr. White 11:06:50 4/01/2001
- #96 "For Christ's sake! In the name of everything that is holy! Don't call me f*cking Junior!!!!" nm Whippola 10:19:27 4/01/2001
- #95 "Sallah...I said 50 camels! It's to confuse the enemy!" (nm) Crusty McBud 09:54:34 4/01/2001
- #96 "Marion! She's dead... Oh well, I'd better go home..." (nm) L.T. Smash 09:53:10 4/01/2001
- #97 Bellock, is that a gun in yoiur pocket, or are u just happy to see me? nm Nicholas Weeks 05:47:55 4/01/2001
- #98 I can't say no to big titties. And I WON'T say no to a clean shave. (nm) bj 05:07:12 4/01/2001
- #99 The Black Death 03:46:56 4/01/2001
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