Posted by Patterson from on April 03, 2001 at 13:22:40:
In Reply to: Me too... posted by India Jones on April 03, 2001 at 12:54:58:
: : Who is Lee Kepler? What "original jacket worn in the movie" was the Expedition copied from? Why can you see the damned gussets in the movie? Was Harrison Ford wearing one of Lee Keplers jackets?
1.) Lee Keppler used to buy jackets from Leather Concessionaires to sell them retail. He provided a prototype jacket made by Flight Suits for Leather Concessionaires to copy, so that their Raiders jacket would be more accurate. All this happened a few years after Raiders and a few years before Last Crusade. Initially, the jacket Leather Concessionaires sold as its Raiders jacket looked, by all accounts, like a bellhops jacket - shoulder pads, etc. Personally, I've only seen marginal quality pictures of that jacket, but is was not even in the ballpark. Lee's prototype jacket was derived by watching the movie and looking at stills.
2.) The jacket worn in the movie was made by Leather Concessionaires under contract from Burmans. The design of the jacket is credited to Debra Nadoolman (now Landis). She has confirmed that the design was hers, and that, "...he must be mistaken." - referring to Peter's claim that it is his design.
Just realized I misread the question. The original jacket used to make the expedition was a documented jacket purchased at auction Peter even provided a bit of inside info on how to authenticate it. The owners have expressly asked not to be involved in this kind of mess - and I do not think I can blame them.
3.) The gussets can be seen in various stills. It helps to have about $100K in digital editing software and a Sun server, but you can see it on a 27 inch TV and a 4 head VCR too. Stills of Indy waving the torch around the ground in the Well of Souls, straddling a tire in the truck chase, and a few others that escape me right here.
4.) Ah, here's what I was answering in #2. Ford was wearing one of two jackets. Debra Nadoolman confirms that they purchased 10 jackets from Monty Burman. Based on the little bit of insider info Peter shared with me to confirm the jacket examined was his, I am confident that the basis for the Expedition was a jacket originally made by Peter under contract with Burmans, and is Debra Nadoolman's design.
I said Ford was wearing one of two jackets, right? Well, it seems that an additional 10 jackets were made in Southern California, based on the jackets supplied by Burmans and made by Peter. No, they were not made by Flight Suits... This really sucks, but apparently they took one of the Burmans jackets to the Wilson's House of Leather factory in LA to knock off an additional 10 jackets. Eeewww!