Posted by Major Paul from on October 08, 1998 at 05:23:37:
In Reply to: To Michaelson and other "old ones" here posted by Swordmaster on October 08, 1998 at 03:41:26:
: Hi,
: I don't want to sound too curious or anything, but I'm just interested in knowing that what in Indiana Jones keeps "old guys" like you interested? I have always thought that enthusiastic "movie fan-ness" (and most of all being a fan of a movie such "light" as Indiana Jones) is for just "kids" like me (I'm 18 now), and that adults take things more seriously and won't devote much time for such "rubbish".
: So, what is the magic of Indy?-) Also, being of the generation who never saw any of the Indy movies on the big screen, did you become an Indy fan in 1980 already or later?
: Cheers,
: Joonas Linkola, 18
: Finland
Well, you're correct when you note that as you get older, you don't waste your time and attention on "rubbish". I have lots of interests/hobbies (scuba, travelling, history, snowboarding, skiing) and I love movies. And time is very valuable to me so I try not to waste it.
When I first saw Raiders in 1981, I'd just started high school. The fasination then was the exciting action and the great story telling. Raiders made a great impression back then. And I just kept coming back for more as the next movies came out...Temple of Doom...Last Crusade. Later, I began collecting items from the movies in the same manner as one collects coins or sports cards. As I got older though, I started to enjoy these three films for more subtle reasons. One factor was the time period of the stories. As a historian, I'm fascinated by the early half of this century and the Indy tales really conjured up delightful, although somewhat stylized, images of that time period. The other factor had to do with analyzing the character of Jones and how Ford lends a little of himself to that character. As you get older, you start to realize a few things about life. For starters, none of us are going to be the perfect little angels are mothers' hoped we'd be. And this planet we live on is not as black and white/good v. evil that we would like it to be. Sometimes we have to deal with a lot of confusing gray areas. We stumble and make bad decisions. But the important thing is we learn from those mistakes and try not to repeat 'em. Watching Ford, you recognize that conflict in him to "stay in the light" as Belloq would say. Now that's kind of reading into things a bit, maybe a little too much "psycho-raz-matazz" for some, but we all need a simple code to live by. Indy's code seems pretty good to me. He gets tempted a lot but he usually makes the right call.
On the other hand, the movies are just simply fun to watch. 'Sheer escapism on a hot summer day' and all that. And I enjoy seeing how other people relate to the films as well. This is really like belonging to a big club. -MP