Posted by Indiana Banzai from on April 10, 2001 at 10:58:17:
I was looking at TV listings and saw the 'Independent Film Channel', or the 'Indi Film Channel' and got to thinkin' (dangerous to do this before 8:00am local time, 'specially w/o caffeine):
What about the INDY CHANNEL?
The trilogy, the 'Making of' documentaries of all three films, Young Indy, the TV rip offs (Bring 'Em Back Alive, Tales of the Gold Monkey), the interviews from the recently released tapes, 24/7/365.
And they could be the exclusive channel for the INDY 500! BWAHAHAHA!
OK, time to find some coffee.... or a Pepsi. :)
Side note:
Wore my new fedora to work today, along with my non-wested, non-flightsuits leather bomber jacket. Could almost hear the music from LC when Fedora put the hat on Young Indy as I put on my hat...