Posted by Fedora from on April 17, 2001 at 21:06:44:
In Reply to: Ahem, how crowded is this planet? posted by Fall Guy on April 17, 2001 at 19:32:28:
: I think homosexuality will be the last reason for the extinction of the human race. More likely prejudice and self-importance will be the downfall of the human race; that and overexploitation of natural resources.
: Are you really afraid the whole world is turning gay? What a concept... :p
: FG
: : There is a social movement to convince folks that homosexuality is acceptable behavior. I don't believe in persecuting homosexuals, but I do believe it should be viewed as a behavior that isn't condusive to the survival of the human race. Face it, any behavior that leads to the extinction of a species has to be viewed as completely insane. To see it any other way is lunacy, pure and simple. There is no gray area on this one guys. Regards, Fedora
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Why, of course not! I wasn't saying that homosexuality was going to be the cause of the extinction of the human race, but homosexuality by its nature isn't a procreative activity. The show must go on! And life must go on. All lifeforms have one thing in common. They procreate. To not procreate is an aberration to nature, to existence as we know it. Seen against this backdrop, it has to be ranked up there with other mental illnesses. But apparently homosexuals can't help their feelings. I personally think that while their brains were still developing in the womb, something went haywire. But don't take this aberration and tell everyone it is perfectly ok,or that it is normal. I don't think that homosexuality is incurable. I think the current climate hinders anyone even suggesting a cure for the illness. Society should view it for what it really is, and instead of encouraging this lifestyle, treat it like we do drug addiction and offer treatment. As far as what does the human race in, I kinda figure at some point mother earth will shake herself like a dog shaking off water, and rid herself of all the greedy little parasites polluting her sphere. Forget the arrogant motto "Save the Earth". We better save ourselves. Regards, Fedora