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Posted by Bill G. from spider-ta044.proxy.aol.com on October 12, 1998 at 10:36:28:
In Reply to: Re: Saving Private Ryan - ALTERED HISTORY posted by justin on July 31, 1998 at 22:42:18:
Well come on now---take a deep breath and step away from misguided patriotism. This movie is decidedly NOT about America or patriotism or how "American Soldiers...won World War II." And it certainly does nothing to diminish the contributions of all of the countries and individuals who sacrificed together for victory. This film is much more narrow than that. This film is about the utter senselesness of war and combat. This film is about the basic brutality of our species. This film is about how ordinary people, whether they be American, Canadian, Christian, Jewish, or anything else--it is about how we all face the unimaginable. It is about trying to figure out how to do the right thing, or even what the right thing is. It is about the nature of courage and cowardice, and it is about the possibility for redemption. And for me personally, it is about fundamental questions like "How would I respond to each of the countless situations in that movie?" and "Have I lived a life that is worthy of the sacrifices that other people have made for me?"
When you get right down to it, this movie isn't really about war at all, and certainly not about nations and patriotism. It is about us and who we are and what we are and what we are capable of. Don't look for ways to feel insulted by it. Look for ways to learn from it.
I welcome your thoughts!
A Marine Corps and Navy vet!
: Well Hollywood's done it again but at a more costly level. ANOTHER thoughouly American film about American Soldiers who won World War II. Ofcourse the ignorant Speilburg has once again altered true history to spread and brainwash the younger gernerations. I am a 19 yr old Canadian who had many realtives on the front lines all over Europe and I am sickened by Speilburg's lack of history and utter disrespect to the many others from other countries who fought in this war. It was not a war for the American type of freedom but world freedom and I am tired of Hollywood putting out these terrible pictures with Americans running the show and saving the world. At least Speilburg when dealing with world history can lower his flag for a bit and think of all the others from other countries who died. All I am saying is that Hollywood has a responsibility to show all aspects of history not the distored, unclear one they are teaching people right now. And by the way American joined both wars 2yrs late and were not as big of factor in the victories over oppression that Speilburg and Hollywood would have u believe.
: Please e-mail me with any comment on the subject, like to hear your view point