Posted by INDY 500 from on April 19, 2001 at 18:22:27:
As I posted earlier in the week I had bought the Indy "DVD" trilogy from:
at the time of my previous post I had only watched Last Crusade, and it is of very good quality overall, with a nice crisp picture and great sound.
This afternoon I popped Raiders into the DVD player and was expecting something of the same or similar quality.
My hopes were up when I saw the great looking menu with Indy in the map room holding the staff to let the beam of light shine down, also when you move the "arrows" on your remote to select the different options there is a small icon of the fertility idol that moves on the screen to select your choice (very cool!). The Menu screens on this disc are much better looking than those on Last Crusade(which had very odd text), but sadly that is the only thing that is better.
The movie itself, while watchable and certainly not of terrible quality, it simply does not compare to the transfer done for the L.C. disc. The picture at times is slightly "fuzzy," and overall it seems quite dark, therefore alot of detail is lost.
Despite the "fair" to "good" picture quality, it is still nice to be able to watch Raiders in my DVD player. To me anyway the price I paid ($45.99/set) is worth it, given that these are the only "DVD's" currently available.
I still haven't watched Temple, my fingers are crossed!
INDY 500