Posted by Indy French from on April 19, 2001 at 23:52:41:
Hey everyone,
Here's a little useless tidbit for you all. Anyone here ever played a very old arcade game called "Growl"? The game is a typical 80s four player beat 'em up with a pro-environment/wildlife/Greenpeace theme going on where you have to rescue endangered species from fur hunters, poachers, and general badmen. It takes place in the 30s I believe and "Indy" is in it!
Well, he's not called Indy, but he looks just like him from the climax of TOD, with the hat, ripped shirt and pants. What makes it all the more fun is that while fighting your way through the levels, you can pick up a bullwhip, revolver, and even a machete (I think) as weapons to fight with (along with a bazillion other defensive toys).
You run into soliders and guys that look like Thuggees through the whole game. It's fairly obvious that they ripped off Indy to sell this one. I don't think it worked, but it was a nice effort.
Anyway, just letting you all know.