Posted by Rundquist from on April 20, 2001 at 13:09:42:
In Reply to: Re: Whips/ David Morgan vs. Mark Allen posted by Canasta on April 19, 2001 at 22:04:50:
: Greetings,I have been using whips for around twenty years. The whips that Mark allen sells are all good whips. The whips which you described already owning is one made by Peter Jack. I have one of these whips, however I bought it through David Morgan. I do own one of the shorter handled whips that Mark is promoting as the Indiana jones style whip. The quality is very nice, but it is a bit different than the actual David Morgan whip. The actual handle is a bit shorter and the knob, or handle is not as large.
: The whip you own is made with a cane handle, instead of a steal bolt so the weight is a somewhat different. I have also heared that Mark Doesn't pay his whip makers as much as some others do so the quality sometimes suffers. (This is information given to me by an outside source and I have no real proof of this.)
: To make matters shorter, If you can't afford the actual David Morgan whip ( a ten foot whip is now $605) the Mark Allen will do very nicely.
: If you can afford a Morgan do it. Not only is it one of the best whips in the world but when David retires it whill surely be an eve greater collectors item. I have had my Morgan for over ten years and it still handles great. It took about a year to break in though.
: I Wish I had more time but I have to go for now. If you have any questions please feel free to post more or email me at
: Best Regards,
: Canasta
: Ps Natural would be the way to go. its very light and may take a bit of getting used to but it will darken with age an wil become more beautiful as time goes on.