Posted by Indiana Eastwood from on April 21, 2001 at 18:35:26:
As most of you know, there isn't an Indy 4 out yet. I can tell that everyone really awaits it. Personally, I do not care if they make it or not. I love the trilogy for what it is now and if they decide to make a fourth one, great. I'll see it. I've been thinking and if they want to do it right, they should have a look at these guidelines. 1)I don't care what people say. George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, AND Harrison Ford must be in it. They're probably only going to make one last film, so why make the VERY LAST ONE with someone we don't know. I can almost guarantee you that if Ford's not involved, neither will Spielberg or Lucas. The Nazis are gone. Sorry, they aren't coming back. Someone posted a good plotline about the Soviet Union and I think thats good enough. Harrison Ford is NOT 39 anymore, you guys. But it's not in good form to bash him and say he's too old because he can't help it. He's done nothing but make really good movies, so keep him for this adventure. However, avoid making too many old jokes. I bought Space Cowboys yesterday, and there are just too many old jokes (if you haven't seen it, beware the scene where they get their phusicals and you see their asses. I'm still hving nightmares over it). I think Lucasfilm already has a basic idea for the plot, so I wouldn't worry about that(just as long as it doesn't involve a damn trade federation, I'm fine). They really should keep the plot very simple, that's how the Star Wars films were and now the new one had a pretty confusing plot. The girl in the film should be Marion, because even though we want Indy to get a hot babe, we want to know what happens to him after the movie. DO NOT BRING BACK KATE CAPSHAW! I know it might seem funny, but she'd have nothing to do, unless you want Indy to choose between her and Marion. These are the only guidelines I'd want to be in the new movie, so it's pretty simple. Now 2003 and 2004 or longer is a pretty long wait, so I'd just like them to make a special edition for the old films with new merchandise, toys, and new video covers. And last, the DVD's would be great if they each had a 2 disc feature (hell, if Bounce has one, why not Indy?). That's all. What do you guys want to expect for Indy 4?