Posted by belloq from on October 17, 1998 at 13:00:06:
Watching too much TV lately, I've noticed a couple of ads which might interest some forum-goers. The first is minor, but to fans of cute toys, this may be fun to have: it is a Lego "Adventure" series playset(s) which contains an archeologist who overcomes mummies,traps, etc. to procure the "magic ruby" in the center of a temple-like structure made of sand/limestone colored legos. The second ad which caught my attention is the Discovery Channel's "Lost Warriors of the Clouds" program airing this Monday evening. It follows an archeological expedition in remote Peru to examine 200 mummies, clarifying the lives and deaths of the "Chachapoyans." In Raiders, the golden idol is found in the temple of the "chachapoyan warriors." This may add some non-fictional background to Indy's adventure. has a nice page "Mummies in the Mist"- Link provided below. belloq