Are you looking for a fall guy?

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Posted by Fall Guy from on May 01, 2001 at 15:33:17:

I'm still in favor of seeing Rutger Hauer as the bad guy in the next
Indy movie. But now that I've seen Edward James Olmos (He was in Blade
Runner, just like Hauer) in that online game, I must say he'd be
great, too.
Olmos is a familiar face (Miami Vice, The Wolfen...), yet not too big
a star. He's also extremely creepy and sinister looking (I attribute
that more to his acting skills than his physical appearance...)
Maybe we could have Hauer as the mastermind, Olmos as his unscrupulous
goon, and Fred Ward for comic relief. I'm sure the latter would please
graml greatly. ;)

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