Posted by Fall Guy from on May 03, 2001 at 19:29:55:
In Reply to: Cross my palm with silver, I tell your fortune... posted by Inby on May 03, 2001 at 19:16:53:
I love quiche! :) And the fight against lung diseases is a noble cause for sure, considering the current global uprising of TB.
: Quiche-eaters anonymous?
: The Lorraine-cross is a double-barred cross. Originally both of the arms had the same length. Later the upper arm has
: been reduced to a shorter length. This may be taken as the wooded sign placed by Pilatus over the head of Jesus on the
: cross, showing the letters "INRI". This cross is called the true cross (crux vera).
: A double-barred cross of this kind was said to be used in the year 800 by Christian sects in the Orient. Godefroy de
: Boullion, duke of Lorraine, flew this cross in his standard when he took part in the capture of Jerusalem in 1099 during
: the first crusade. Later this kind of cross was attributed to him and his successors.
: In recent times the Lorraine cross was used by General de Gaulle as a symbol of freedom in the French resistance
: during the 2. World War.
: On October 23rd 1902, at a conference in Berlin, Germany, the Lorraine cross was chosen as the symbol of the global
: fight against tuberculosis.. When Dr. Gilbert Seciron, submitted his proposal, he said "The red double-barred cross being
: a symbol of peace and brotherly understanding will bring our message to faraway places. Use it every day as a sign of
: your combat against tuberculosis and your mission will be successful defeating this uninvited guest that decimates our
: rows, and thus drying the tears of the suffering mankind."
: Today the Lorraine cross is the symbol of the global fight against tuberculosis and lung diseases.