Posted by Inby from on May 07, 2001 at 16:54:47:
In Reply to: Too Much Mummy...or is there? posted by A Man With A Hat on May 07, 2001 at 15:07:49:
First off, pygmy mummies: saw the mummy flick the other day and enjoyed it for the goofy fun it is.
I really did appreciate the inclusion of pygmy mummies, as this seemed to add some geographic/historic context to the whole mummy thing.
A figure in the Egyptian pantheon was a feller of short stature (aka pygmy), who was the custodian of some kind of arcane knowledge/wizardry.
Pygmies (and other forest dwellers) were considered by Egyptians, Greeks (check yer Herodotus), and other Classical types to have the market cornered on some heavy-duty alchemico-magico stuff.
Perhaps this stems from their intimate knowledge of the forest biome and its variously useful plants and toxi- and non-toxic substances.
Pygmies were well-known in the ancient world, and the inclusion of central African and forest creatures and dwellers in Egyptian art and lore demonstrates that this Imhotep-ian culture extended far afield of the sands and rivers of pyramidland.
In the Mummy Returns, brave sir Brendan remarks that they must be near the Blue Nile; they certainly voyaged far to the south of Egypt.
This really rocked, I think, because it enabled the viewer to enjoy some context for the whole of Classical civilization (incl. e.g., the discovery of remains of Roman soldiers and so forth), and thus enrich the story and appreciation of the scope of history.
Re: the pygmy mummies: since the entire oasis was a supernatural creation of Anubis, it figures that any creatures in their would be nasty mummies, no? Perhaps the builders of the Scorp King's pyramid trafficked heavily with forest dwellers, given their proximity, and blah blah blah. You know where I'm going.
On the whole I really enjoyed the inclusion of such details and historical nuances; I'm willing to forgive some un-1930s hairstyles and clothing for the sake of more narrative inclusions such as pygmies.
What this all has to do with Indy?
Um, well, I watched this flick wondering how Indy would have fared in Ricky O'Connell's place...
WWID (What Would Indy DO?)
I mean, say this HAD been and Indy flick, of if Indy had joined in on the expedition...
How would Indy's approach have been different?
Ok, lunch break is done... hasta.