Posted by Rundquist from on May 08, 2001 at 20:59:38:
I don't want to beat a dead horse, but you want to talk about taking
liberties? It has music from the rock band Queen incorporated into the
story. I saw a dance with David Bowie playing in the background. The
characters were speaking using modern slang. This is all supposed to
happen in the fourteenth century mind you. I guess the film makers
decided that the people in the audience don't care about any
historical accuracy whatsoever. I wonder how a fourth Indiana Jones
movie would fare at the box office in today's MTV Coca-colonized
world. I've always considered them to be great "light" entertainment
(one hell of a good time). But they might not have enough bang for
today's audience. Anyway, I don't think we are going to get anymore
"popcorn" movies of that caliber that will kick in the "suspension of
disbelief". The word cartoon has been used to describe many of today's
action movies. That is how most of them play out. Some of the blame
can be placed on overuse of special effects, but the majority must be
placed on the filmmakers that make the movies, and they get their
orders mainly from us, the movie going public. If we demand more,
they'll give it to us. We're their livelihood. Not a rant, just an
observation. Regar