Posted by graml from on October 23, 1998 at 06:16:13:
My fellow Indy fans,
I'm pretty sure we are all in agreement that the Indiana Jones
character is one of the best action/adventure heroes of all times.
So why are there so few decent Indy video games? I'm old enough
to remeber the Raiders game for the Atari 2600, and I have always
felt that it has been one of the video game industry's best attempts
on an Indy game. TOD for the Nintendo and arcade was God-awful,
while every Last Crusade attempt has been sub-par at best. Why
is Indy treated this way? Don't even get me started on any of the
laughably bad YIJC games! Man, I'm ranting like Mussolini on the
balcony... sorry about that. But I'm sure some of you see my point.
Any comments?