Posted by Shawnkara from on May 11, 2001 at 02:13:41:
In Reply to: Those that buy "Indy Gear"... when do you wear that crap? posted by Q-Bert on May 10, 2001 at 22:59:00:
I can't speak for others here, but I DON"T wear Indy gear in public. I wear my Raiders jacket when jacket weather hits, but this is only because I really do like the style of it. If Indy never existed and I saw the jacket in a store I would still have bought it. The whip I acctually use; it's a hobby I got into when I was eight (because of Indy, sure) and have just always found to be fun. As for spending the money on all this stuff I guess, for me, it's a way of recapturing something from childhood that I never had the chance or the means to possess. What kid DOESN't want to be their favorite action hero, right? I guess it's like Michael Jackson turning his home into an amusement park, only not as psycho.